Haloze žvegla (Haloze transverse flute) – superior perfection originating from historical memory. In the hands of the experienced master, the Haloze flute was brought back to life from the treasury of Slovenian folk creativity. It used to be made only in the small area of Spodnje Haloze. The first written information about the Haloze flute allegedly dates back to the year 1487, from the diary of a visitor to the Knight of Majšperk who described the evening reception at the castle. The flute was made by turning plum wood in special dimensions and its different sizes were named by numbers (from one to nine). Fours, fives and sixes are best suited for playing. The core of a plum tree is used to make a Haloze žvegla and it has a characteristic shape with both ends being thicker. The left end is slightly thicker than the right end. Making a Haloze flute is a very demanding process that requires great precision, as it has to be impressive due to its slim elegance, the warmth of the wood and its wonderful sound.
Darko Korošec has many years of experience in making Slovenian folk instruments and also other instruments.