About the product
In addition to hearts, also other shapes from honey dough are made in this workshop: horse, horseshoes, bunnies, stars, birds, baskets, church organs, as well as Linhart’s licitars. Especially popular are the hearts pendants of different sizes, with or without inscriptions. The red colour of licitars is said to be a symbol of love and passion; the same is true of the heart as a very powerful symbol, known as such throughout the world. The yellow ribbon symbolizes infinity, and the green one with flowers symbolizes growth and development. The mirrors on the heart are supposed to be meant for the girls to be able to admire themselves in. The process of manufacturing licitars is time-consuming and all of its stages take at least a week. It is interesting to see the process first-hand, as it takes place in an old, traditional way, and the girls are dressed in traditional costumes from the second half of the 18th century. So, by making a licitar in front of their visitors, they take them back to the old days, when time passed differently and the masters of the craft were esteemed artists and preservers of the folk tradition.